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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thunderstruck by: Erik Larsen

This has been an interesting book to read. While at some points I got frustrated with the author's "digression" as he puts it. And the constant focus on the minutia of the details were tiresome, the overall story itself was very interesting. Told as two stories rolled into one, it is the story of Marconi, the man that invented the wireless telegraph, for ships at sea; it also tells the story of a doctor, his wife, and the murder that made headlines -- as well as the career of Mr. Marconi.

At the turn of the century, late 1800's, early 1900's Marconi developed the first wireless telegraph, which was designed to make it possible for ships at sea, to remain in touch with both the main land, and other ships. While he never faltered in his belief that his invention would change the world -- it wasn't until two major events that changed the world, and set forever Mr. Marconi's name in history.

The first event was the murder of Mrs. Hawley Crippen, by her husband, Dr. Hawley Crippen. The murder would ultimately lead to his execution -- but his capture was accomplished by the successful invention of wireless telegraphs from the ship, which he sailed from England on, in an attempt to flee the law, and return home to the United States, following the murder. Dr. Crippen was a tragic figure of history that was doomed to be overshadowed and forgotten due to his passive, and even timid personality. The murder of his wife came as the most unexplained of events, due to the passive nature that Dr. Crippen always demonstrated to the outside world. Even in the end, following his capture, he was still doomed to be relegated to a back seat in history, and Marconi's invention made even greater headlines, with the sinking of the Titanic -- and the many lives that his invention saved, since the Titanic was able to call for help, prior to her sinking.

The individuals in this book are fascinating, in not only their interaction with history, but there impact on the course of history. This has been a fun book to read, especially since it is outside the realm of what I would usually read. I would recommend the story to anyone that is a lover of history, but be prepared for intricate detail woven into the background of a truly compelling historical events.

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