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Monday, June 15, 2009

The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red by: Ridley Pearson

This book is an interesting read. From the very beginning it is presented in such a way that the reader is never really sure if they are reading a work of fiction, or an actual presentation of fact. The author has done a superb job of creating a captivating mystery through the means of the supposed diary of one Mrs. Ellen Rimbauer -- the wife of a 20th century industrialist.

While the story presents an intimate look into a perverse sham of a marriage between Ellen, and her husband, John Rimbauer, the reader realizes almost from the beginning that this marriage is simply the sideline of the story. The real relationship of significance is that of the relationship of Ellen and the house built by her husband -- symbolically named Rose Red.

The home is an enormous monstrosity that is built in the Washington area, and is never fully completed. From beginning to end the mystery that surrounds this house is more of a supernatural entity -- as opposed to a passing phenomenon. Supposedly built on the site of an old Indian burial ground -- desiccated, for the sake of the rise of this immense house -- the consequences are of lasting proportion. The house takes on a life entity of its own -- and seeks a means to continue living through the sacrifices made to it.

The book is well written, but I found that it was irritating in the beginning, as the first 60 pages dealt with nothing but the perverse sexual proclivities between John Rimbauer, and his new wife. As well as the alluded to liaisons between Mr. Rimbauer and just about every other woman he comes in contact with -- leaving one with the impression that this young woman -- 20 years Mr. Rimbauer's junior -- is married to a man of insatiable appetites. And while the scenes are not explicit -- they are tiresome, as they have little bearing on the overall story -- that of the house, and its obsessive attachment to this young new wife. The only thing these scenes offer to the story is the catalyst that becomes the bizarre connection between Ellen Rimbauer, and Rose Red. But for a year of the life of this entire history was excessive -- especially since this same theme is continued throughout the rest of the story. It doesn't take that many passages to get the idea of what type of man John Rimbauer was.

However, as a separate entity from the movie created from this story, the book was a refreshing read. It was a separate story line from that taken in the movie -- the movie providing a continuation of the book -- not a remake of the same. A building on, and adding depth to the book, without trying to supplant, or even compete with the original story. The book, and the movie can be experienced simultaneous -- or in conjunction with each other, without detracting from either.

This story contains all of the suspense, and very little in predictability, which makes for an excellent mystery. There are even websites that have been attached to the book, which have turned this piece of fiction into a little bit of a cult classic. The story is worth the read -- and for those that enjoy the mystery genre, this one provides a change from the traditional murder mystery.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Daughter of Fortune by: Isabel Allende

This was a fun, and entertaining book to read, one written by a talented, and expressive author. The story revolves around Eliza Sommers, an adopted orphan that is raised by a family of means, and social standing. As this story develops, Eliza finds herself confronted with a choice between two lives. Abandoned by her lover, she follows after, and learns that there are other ways of living outside of the one in which she was raised.

Much of this story is very similar to other stories that present the fallen girl, growing into adulthood, under the shadow of scandal. But the protagonist is masterfully handled in this story. Not only is the development one that covers age, and social structure, but it also covers multiple cultures, countries, and ethnic backgrounds.

Eliza represents the conjoining of all of the cultures, social classes, and nationalities, and her character development is demonstrated across all of these spectrums. As she grows, and develops, not only does she face the struggles of age, but she is faced with the choice of different lifestyles, cultures, and social class. Raised with everything she could want -- her love is ultimately given to a man of inferior class, which brings all the scandal that such a liaison represents. Faced with the scandal, her alternatives are to stay and face the scandal alone, or to go after the man she believes she loves.

But the character of Eliza is more than the traditional representation of female repression. She is a great demonstration of the struggle of women, at a time that women were struggling to overcome the oppression of the life their sex demanded they live. She learns to find freedom in the alternate worlds, and cultures, to which she is exposed. She also learns to interact with the various elements of each of these societies, without compromising her ideals, beliefs, or standards. Eliza demonstrates the development of a woman capable of living beyond herself, and finding that a single woman can live outside of the social moores demanded by the constrictive restraints of her time. Eliza is more than a coming of age character. She represents what it means to overcome a repressive society, and develops into a woman that is capable of living her life, on her own terms.

The most amazing part of this story, however, is that of the presentation of a myriad of histories. The story spans across China, Chile, England, and San Francisco. And the rich history of all of these places is beautifully presented, within the time frame of the story. In addition, and culture's interactions are demonstrated, when the people come together, often with violent results, during the gold rush of California in the 1800's.

The beauty of the author's writing is strong, and eloquent. She uses very vivid imagery, and she has a powerful talent for expressing herself in written form. This is a wonderful story, by a great author.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Adventures in Book Clubbing

Those who know me, know that I am a rabid book lover! Conversations in our household are a little one sided when it comes to discussions about movies, and television shows. If the movie didn't predate the 80's, and the television show isn't educationally based, or a Hannah Barbara cartoon -- I probably can't tell you a thing about it. In one of our favorite family games, of name that person, it took me over two months to figure out who David Archuletta was.

Simply put, I am your traditional book loving junkie! If the te
levision is on, I will have the book open. I never go anywhere without a book in my hand. (And yes, that does include the restroom, restaurant, doctor's offices, and family dinners.) I came across a comment on Goodreads, "You know your a book addict when your family stages and intervention, and you don't hear a word they say because you are too busy reading." I laughed so hard, I was crying. And I am completely conviced that God invented red lights, and construction zones for book lovers, who just can't seem to put their books down. I'd like to tell you I don't want you to get the wrong idea -- but there is only one idea to get. Children have their security blankets, and I have my books.

So a few months ago, my sister and I decided we were going to get serious about starting a book club. I use that term in the loosest form possible, since at the time the "club" consisted of my sister, and myself. However, we were quickly joined by her daughter, our brother, and his wife. I know, I still don't know that you would say that qualifies as club status as of yet. But it is where we have begun.

I figured that putting a book club together would be easy! How hard can it be to pick a book and read it over the next month. Little did I know. There were many concerns, and difficulties that we encountered, which we are still working out.

First off -- the biggest issue is the speed at which everyone r
eads. This book is comprised of people that have been in the habit of reading, maybe one book a year. There are those that read regularly -- but it still takes them a while to get through a book. There is a mother with four little children, and a little girl that is nine years old. And then there is me -- the person that doesn't know anything about the world around her, because I can't manage to put a book down. Time was certainly a concern. They were worried about slowing me down -- and I was worried about rushing them. And I won't even go into the problem of how far apart we all live!

Then there was the issue of deciding on books. I had no idea that this could be such a chore. Not only is the list of books we want to read long enough to last us for the next three years, but the preferences are so varied that it is amazing that we ever come to a consensus! This process turned into an hour long chore, and then we would finally just settle on something because we were all so tired of trying to come up with a a universal choice.

And then there is always the challenge of what is appropriate to read. With a nine year old in the mix, it is turely a challenge, with the books that are out there today. I don't want her to feel left out, and she is genuinely excited about participating. But not all books are age appropriate. Some are even questionable for adults!

So with all of this to considered, I was amazed at the difficulties that we have encountered. But we have managed to keep it going. And we have been learning along the way. So, long end short -- here is my purpose: I need some input, and or suggestions.

1. What are some good ways of choosing books for book clubs? We have discussed the option of themes, and genres -- but I don't know that we have stumbled across the answer yet.

2. How do other book clubs organize their groups? Yearly selections, month to month, or some other way that we haven't managed to come across yet?

3. Finally, what have you found that works for you?

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Attack by: Yasmina Khadra

This is not a book that I found to be particularly interesting. I first picked it up because the premise of the story is actually appealing, especially in today's world of terrorism, and suicide bombings. However, the book was not all that it promised to be.

Much of the story I felt was rushed -- it was more like watching a B rated movie, in book form. The story proved to be superficial, and the characters had no depth. Most of the dialogue was cliche. And I found the pat phrases to be unoriginal, and rehearsed. I felt like there was very little true depth to the characters at all.

This is not a book that I would recommend, as there is very little substance to the story, and even less to the characters.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

1940 by: Jay Neugeboren

This book is not what I was expecting -- and it was an absolutely enjoyable surprise! I read this book non-stop, I just could not put it down. It has been a long time since I have come across a book that I would consider worthy of being added to my favorite book lists -- and this one certainly made it!

It is a story that is focused on one, unique physician, and his impact on the lives of two mothers, and their sons. One of his patients was the "great" Adolf Hitler, and the other was a young American boy with significant problems. At first read this book is a simple story, created by two stories, woven seamlessly together. However, upon further reflection, the reader begins to see the beauty of these two stories, and how their being told together adds a great deal of depth, and meaning to the overall story, as a whole.

Dr. Eduard Bloch served as the personal physician of Mrs. Hitler -- from the time their family moved to Linz, Austria, until the day of her death. Through this treatment, he earned the respect, and even -- some suggest -- the admiration of the future Nazi dictator. Many feel that this point of view is born out by the special treatment this Jewish doctor, and his family received on the eve of World War II -- as the Jewish race turned into a hunted people. Provided with special arrangements to immigrate to America -- arranged for directly from Berlin -- this doctor started a journey that would ultimately bring him into contact with another single mother, and son.

The story is beautifully told, and the characters have a great deal of depth. I was particularly impressed at the similarities that were created between Daniel, and young Adolf -- as well as the beautiful similarities between two incredible mothers that were willing to give everything for the benefit of their sons. This book does not seek to explore the frequent rumors of the perverse childhood of Hitler -- but rather it explores the theory frequently stated in the book that "the son is not always the father of the man." It also explores the theme that in the best of people there exists some of the most appalling evil -- and in the most evil of people, there is some of the greatest capacity for love -- and for good.

I could not recommend this book enough. It is a wonderful, and insightful read. One that I would consider worth the time. It is clean, and enjoyable -- and one of the few modern stories I have read that truly makes a reader think, and reflect on the significance of a life -- and the influence it can have.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Reluctant Assassin by: Preston Darby

This book provided an entertaining historical fiction tale, with a panorama view of American history, from the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, all the way up through 1903. There are many historical figures that make appearances in the book such as Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp and the Earp brothers, the Prestons, General George Armstrong Custer, Samuel Clemens, and several others. The premise of the book is that following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, his killer -- John Wilkes Booth -- actually survived his flight from the nations capitol, and managed to live the remainder of his life in hiding. The assassination itself, which actually plays a very minor role in this novel, was the product of many high up's in the cabinet of Lincoln -- and that Booth was merely doing what had to be done, to save his own life, since he was part of the conspiracy to kidnap Lincoln, and got caught.

The story is very well done. Entertaining, and fun to follow, the characters provide an interesting view of nearly 60 years worth of American West history. As Booth goes into hiding he makes his living as a hired gun, and gambler -- that ends up meeting the most interesting people. The story is fun -- but not a lot of depth.

What I didn't like about the book is that it creates the whole Lincoln conspiracy -- and then fails to explain who was actually behind the assassination, or who was involved. It is a book that seemed to leave me with more questions about the half finished story lines -- more than one -- that were started, and then never really finished. And I found the ending to be -- while intriguing -- also, somewhat of a let down. But it does provide an interesting look into some of the historical events that helped shape this nation, but they were only brief glimpses, as seen through Booth himself. It was as if the author started multiple different story lines, and then never really pulled any of them together. And realizing this used a cop out ending of an unfinished, unauthenticated diary.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Countdown to Valkyrie The july Plot to Assassinate Hitler by: Nigel Jones

This book is a fantastic look into the German military during World War II, and Hitler's Germany. It presents incredible detail, well documented, and an intricate look at the military structure that made up this time altering nation. Few people realize the instability of the structure behind the Nazi machine. Destabilized within the military units -- torn between loyalty to country, and loyalty to a mad man, this book presents the struggles that Germans faced in the midst of a crisis that not all of them wanted.

This book presents the stories of the fractured support that stood behind Hitler -- those that supported him, those that vacillated, those that hated him, and those that were willing to sacrifice everything to get rid of him. Few books look into the German people and the crises that Hitler presented, when he seized power. The shame that he brought to many of the military leaders -- as they were forced to declare loyalty to a man they did not agree with, while still firmly grounded in the country they were devoted to. These men had to stand by and watch as Hitler forced their country into a position they did not feel they should be in, and he forced them into a war they felt they should not fight, and forced them into trying to find a solution that would cost the lives of so many.

In the introduction there is a quote from Roger Casement, a man hanged for treason in the First World War: "'It is a cruel thing to die with all men misunderstanding.'" This quote could not be better used in a description for the events that are portrayed in this book. The people involved in the plot were presented as real people, struggling with their own moral values, their own fear, and pride -- as they struggled to come to terms with the only solution that would be vaguely possible -- kill Adolf Hitler.

Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg is presented as a man of great conviction, drive, and charisma -- the man who managed to bring all the other conspirators together in a drama that would ultimately demand the sacrifice of his own life. But it also presented him as a man torn between his love for his country, and his hatred for a man he felt was a cataclysmic mistake. He never hesitated in his desire to rid Germany of the man that caused so much pain and suffering, and in his eyes brought shame to the German people, and the German nation.

One other quote that I found particularly insightful in this book is an answer to the question of how did those that survived manage such a feat? The response came from one of the surviving conspirarists -- after all the torture, and all the pain, degradation, and suffering, he responded, "We all made the discovery that we could endure far more than we had ever believed possible. The two great polar forces of human emotions, love and hate, together formed a supporting structure on which we could rely when things became unbearable. . ." What a profound insight, into not only human nature, but into the ability of the human spirit to rise above the impossible, and overcome true horror.

This book is one that I would strongly recommend. It is very well written, and is beautiful in the depth that it presents a very different side of the German perception of the Hitler era. Profoundly thought provoking, it asks the question of each reader -- what would you have done? And as Mr. Stauffenberg learned -- only one person can truly answer that question -- for each of us.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Terrible Glory: Custer and the Little Big Horn -- The Last Great Battle of the American West by: James Donovan

This is a book that is an excellent source of information of the entire time period of the issues between the United States, and the Native American Tribes. This book provides a tremendous source of information, and is well documented -- but at times it could be burdensome, with information overload.

The book does an excellent job of exploring the man behind the persona of George Armstrong Custer, and it looks into his rise in the military, and how he became the man he was. It explores all of his weaknesses, as well as his strengths, and is honest in it's presentation. It provides an element of reality in the presentation of Custer as a man -- with all of his foibles, prejudices, and many of his driving motivations that ultimately led to this great battle between the 7th cavalry and the Sioux.

This book also explores many of the problems that led to the rebellion of the Sioux nation, and how those problems developed. It explains all of the treaties, and background history -- and provides an easy to understand look into the Native Americans perspective of their loss of land they considered sacred.

The book is good at providing a setting of the stage for the upcoming battle that would ultimately lead to the downfall of Custer. It also explores the ramifications of this battle, and how it altered the relations between the Sioux Nation, and the United States.

This book is a must read for anyone that is a true historian of the Native American cultures. As well as for those that study the development of the American West -- and how it became the stuff of legends.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Legend of Thunderfoot by: Bill Wallace

This is absolutely a wonderful little story. It is perfect for children, and adults alike. It has fun characters, entertaining challenges to be overcome, and a wonderful moral for the ending. As stated in the book -- "We all need heroes. What would this old world be like without legends and folk tales and. . . heroes?"

Thunderfoot is a fun hero that is easy to identify with. Set apart from the other roadrunners by the one thing that makes him different, and how that difference becomes his greatest strength. It is also the story of how to learn, and grow, and develop a great character through all of the challenges that come into our lives.

This is a story that everyone should read -- and let the legend continue on.

Friday, May 29, 2009

In The Shadow of Wounded Knee: The Untold Final Story of the Indian Wars by: Roger L. Di Silvestro

This book offers a fascinating look into the closing years of the last great wars between the United States, and Native American nations. Not only does it present the events that led up to the tragedy of Wounded Knee, but it also looks at the effects that followed this event. It is beautifully written, and easy to follow -- even if you have little knowledge of the historical background of this era of history.

This is also a great look into one of the first trials of a Native American Lakota, in a "White Man's" court, and his involvement with the American legal system. Accused of the murder of a military officer, Lieutenant Edward Casey -- Plenty Horses was ultimately arrested, and forced to stand trial.

This is an interesting piece of forgotten American History, in that it explores not only the recognition of the Native American Tribes as separate, and independent nations, but it also closely examines the acts of war, and the accountability of those involved in the atrocities that occur during times of war. It offers for consideration the slow, and deliberate attempt to undermine, and ultimately destroy the Native American culture through the forced education of Native American children, the forced transition from a hunting tribe -- to that of a farming community; forced to produce on lands far inferior to the task required of them. It also looks at how these actions led to the rebellion, and reaction of the Native American's in their frantic bid for identity, and salvation of their culture.

The book is generally balanced in its presentation, and it offers an in depth look into the customs, beliefs, and traditions of the Native Americans that created so much fear in the U.S. citizens of the time. It also clearly portrays the state of the Native American Tribes at the time of the Wounded Knee incident -- and places responsibility for this act in the misunderstandings, and miscommunications of both sides of the war.

This is a book that I would strongly recommend for reading. It is an element of the American/Native American history that should not be forgotten.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Ascent of George Washington: The Hidden Politica Genius of a Political Icon by: John Ferling

The subject of the American Revolution is a difficult subject to write about -- due to the amount of time that it covered, and the area it spread across as well. There were also so many people of note that it is hard to trace all of their actions through one cohesive time line. This book, however, does an excellent job. It is a more condensed version of the American Revolution -- due to its focus on George Washington, and his political leanings. And while there are some conclusions in this book that I am not sure I agree with, I never felt that the author was denigrating other points of view.

The book is well documented, and gives an interesting insight into George Washington, as a man -- not as a supernatural founding father. This book looks into Washington's ambitions, insecurities, and motivations with and honest effort to present the man behind the persona.

I particularly enjoyed the presentation of the difficulties that Washington encountered in his early career, and how he learned to overcome those set backs. This book beautifully portrays Washington as a man that has the ability to learn from his mistakes, and overcome them, so as to become stronger -- and a more effective leader.

This book also presents Washington, not as the great savior of the Revolution, but rather as a natural leader. His insight, and understanding of men - and his ability to use that understanding to his own ends -- without appearing to be a highly political man, lead to a success that is rarely achieved by others.

This book was a very interesting, and educational read. And while the editing could have been a little better, in some places, I believe that the book is well worth the read. The author has done a wonderful job in presenting Washington as a man that understood the world he lived in, and rather than live above that world -- he was able to grow, and develop sufficiently enough to be able to use that world to achieve his goals, and desires -- while making his country a much better place in the process.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Eve by: Elissa Elliott

This book was a pretty big let down. It had a lot of potential in the beginning. But the story never really fully developed the story line that the author was trying to tell. While some of the the characters, Eve, and her daughters seemed to be pretty well developed, all of the men in the story were shallow with little, or no depth. Adam was portrayed as an idealized husband -- that never really played any part in the story. And he was only ever presented after any crisis -- but he never really seemed to be involved with this family he helped to create.

Cain and Abel came across as two boys that never really seemed to grow up. The ground work that lead up to the ultimate, climactic crisis -- that of Cain killing Abel, always seemed to be childhood spats, and sibling rivalry. I never really felt that there was ever any one event that could have become the catalyst that would lead to the ultimate crime.

I think part of the problem I had with this book is that the entire thing was told from the women's perspective -- so the only real portrayal of the men was through their eyes. The men only ever play a superficial role, on the fringes of the story, and by the end we know more about every thing Eve had to endure in every one of her different child births, than we do about the real conflict that existed between Cain and Abel. And the challenges that the family may have had to endure, following their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Not only that -- but I felt like the only interaction of Adam in the family was for stud services, to provide children. He has absolutely little, or no depth at all. It almost felt like a feminist presentation of the original family.

Over all I don't know that I would recommend this book. It felt like it was the retelling of the old Bible story -- without the men being involved. A strange approach to a couple that were directed to "multiply and relpenish the Earth."

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Book of Illusions by: Paul Auster

This book is one that is very well written. I was captivated by the story from the beginning. It has an interesting mystery -- overlaid with multiple other mysteries. But I was really frustrated with the ending. The story was well compiled, and the ending, in its own way is a surprise. But I really found the last half of this book to be rather depressing.

A psychologically damaged man -- that begins seeking reasons for surviving, finds himself caught up in a mystery that is at least a generation old. A movie star that disappeared at the height of his career -- with no word of explanation -- and was never heard from again. A missing daughter, that vanished after writing what appears to be one of the greatest breaks of her career. And finally,a strange, elderly woman in a no where town in New Mexico -- that offers answers -- and mystery all in a simple letter. The author does a beautiful job of tying all these loose ends together -- and does it in a way that is intriguing -- but mystifying as well.

I frequently found myself asking what was it about this story that is so weird -- and yet engrossing at the same time. And what exactly was illusion, and what was reality? I wish I could say that I had come up with a reasonable answer to these questions -- but I admit that I couldn't. This book kept me involved from beginning to end -- but I must say I found the ending to be a little bit of a let down.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Geronimo by: Geronimo

This is a fascinating book -- that provides a very interesting look into the Apache culture, and the life style of this great Native American Tribe. Geronimo's story is beautifully told, and is both poignant, and very engrossing. As told by Geronimo, himself, this book is a very real look into the different perceptions of the Native Americans as their cultures were systematically destroyed, contained, herded -- and just plain mistreated.

This is also a very powerful look into the life of a great man. His views on life, and the losses he sustained are very personal, and presented so as to draw the reader in, and help them to understand what it means to be an Apache warrior, in the 19th century. I came away in awe of the man that Geronimo became, but my heart was breaking for the loss of his family, his people, and ultimately the very land they lived on.

This is a story that every American should read, and understand. I can't recommend this book highly enough, because so seldom do we hear this story told from the Native American point of view. Geronimo is both eloquent, and frank in his presentation of his subject. He is honest in his beliefs, and all of these traits come through in this well presented story.
This book also provided an interesting look into the Apache, and Native American beliefs and customs. Their perceptions on war, legal issues, and the law of the tribe are well portrayed, and fascinating to see the differences of their culture, in comparison to our own. It was enjoyable to learn of the importance of their different types of dances, and their types of games, and sport, as well as the rituals required for a young man to become a warrior. It is easy to loose oneself in the minor intricacies of the culture, and forget the great expanses that this story covered. A wonderful book, that I would highly recommend.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mutiny By: John Boyne

This book was absolutely a thoroughly enjoyable read. I have read some of the non-fiction accounts of the Bounty, the mutiny, and the great Captain Bligh -- so I was a little hesitant of what this story might contain. Some times I have difficulty reading a historical fiction account about a subject, with which I am already familiar. There is frequently so many glaring disparities between the story, and the actual history that I find it frustrating.

However, this book did not fall victim to this problem. The story was well told, and done so in a manner that I found completely engaging to the reader. In addition, it provided a great presentation of the characters, both fictional, and non-fictional. This book avoided the temptation to paint Captain Bligh as the great martyred hero, while Fletcher Christian is the troubled, unscrupulous villain that has no moral character, or values. From the beginning, the events presented explore many of the problems that actually lead to the mutiny itself, both those that involved Captain Bligh, as well as those that involved the rest of the crew. Many of the combined elements that led to this tragedy are all explored here -- without the whitewash effect of being apologetic.

Told from an outside account, it is also presented in such a manner, through the eyes of a young man that has a great deal of growth and development to make through the course of the story, so as to draw the reader in and place them in the middle of the action. True to the era for which it was written about, I didn't come away from this book feeling like the story is being told by a 21st century author -- about a 19th century story. The language, mannerisms, customs, and even the interaction of the characters all remain true to the time frame in which the story is cast -- and allows the reader to enter another era, and experience the mutiny of the Bounty first hand.

This is a great book to read -- and I would recommend it to anyone that has a taste for well done historical fiction.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Consequences by: Penelope Lively

This is a book that I found to be an enjoyable read. It was a little predictable in the story line, and there was a tremendous amount of history covered in only 250 pages. However, I found it a fun, light read. It is not particularly demanding, but Ms. Lively has done a great job with the development of the characters, and in demonstrating their differences in the lives of this one family, which spans from World War II to modern times.

This book also provides a great love story -- without all the smut. I found it very refreshing to be able to read a book, and not have to wonder how explicit it might become. But even in the presentation of the loves that each of these women had, through the various generations, both family, and personal, the author has woven a story that beautifully portrays the differences, as well as the similarities that joined this family together. This is also a book about the tragedy of love, and loss. Each of the primary characters: Lorna, Molly, and Ruth, in their own way, had to experience the loss of love -- and it presents them as the strong heroins that manage to overcome the sorrows of their lives, and go on living life to the fullest.

This is not a complex story, and I would refer to it more as escapist literature. But it is still and enjoyable read -- and it is a great story for anyone that is looking for a little light reading. I found myself pleasantly surprised at my involvement with the story, and the author has done a wonderful job of making the characters live. They are easy to identify with -- and it is fun to share their lives.

The Children's Hospital by: Chris Adrian

Huh. I'm not sure where to begin with this book. It has a tremendous amount of potential -- with a lot of disappointment, and frustration. From the beginning the book draws you in, and lays the ground work for a great story. But I felt like the author was so obsessed with the sex lives of the characters that he failed to finish the story.

From the beginning there are so many questions, why did the world end, what did the main character, Jemma's brother have to do with being the catalyst to the Apocalypse, and how are the angels tied to Jemma. What are the "sins" that lead to this destruction, and why were these few people "saved." Is there even the possibility for redemption, and if so what is the means of redemption -- The children are the source of numerous questions -- especially Brenda, and her mysterious connection to Jemma, and what do Jemma's unexplained gifts have to do with all of this. Unfortunately, I came away from the book still waiting for most of these questions to be answered. And the irony of that is many of the characters were seeking for the same answers -- and never found any more plausible explanations than I, as a reader did.

I also came away feeling like the author was more concerned with sex, and vulgarity -- in both language and demonstration -- than in actually telling the story. Many of the characters were very well developed -- but the main character was also a disappointment. Jemma just seems to be the worlds greatest incompetent, at everything. As a reader I came away trying to figure out why she would have been in the hospital to begin with. And on top of that -- I felt like I needed a medical dictionary to finish the book.

Overall, I don't know that I would consider this a book I would use as a great recommendation. While the author obviously knows a lot about medicine, and is honest in his presentation of his questions about God, and the role he may play in the lives of his creations, I was generally disappointed in his writing. And the story failed to materialize completely.

Bones in The Well by: Beth Shumway Moore

This is a story that I remember from my earliest childhood memories. My grandmother used to tell me about Amanda Barnes Smith, and the Haun's Mill Massacre, since she was part of our family tree. I have numerous copies of her journal entries that pertain to this event, and I can still hear each and every breath, pause, and inflection in my grandmother's voice as she would tell this story. That is why
I found this book of particular interest. This book has helped to broaden the scope of my understanding of this event.

Taken from numerous records, all dealing with the subject, this book creates an incredible picture, of a horrific incident. There are accounts from many of the contemporary records of the time, which makes this book very in depth, and avoids being one sided in its presentation. The only thing about this book that I didn't like is that it was sure a hard read. The horrors of this incident will forever plague the history of the American people -- and this book is graphic in its presentation, to see the stark reality of this one event. This book makes it real on a very deep and personal level. I would love to recommend this book to any that are familiar with the LDS history -- but be warned that it is a hard read, and it is heartbreaking to get through it from beginning to end.

Hyrum Smith A Life of Integrity by: Jeffrey S. O'Driscoll

This is one of the most amazing books I have read. It is really hard to find a book today, which lauds the man who's life was driven by integrity and uprightness. Not only does this book do that, but it commends the life of a man that believed that living a life above reproach was the most important thing he could leave behind. Hyrum Smith was one such man, and this book is an excellent presentation of that kind of life! There is very little that has been written about Hyrum Smith, because it is so hard to find anything about him, independent of his younger brother, the Prophet Joseph Smith. And yet he was a man that demonstrated an amazing strength of character, under both the best, and the worst of times. No matter what your religious beliefs, or denomination -- Hyrum Smith was a man that presented a great example of what it truly meant to live a "Christ like" life.

He is also an incredible example of what it means to be faithful, and loyal to family -- through everything that life could present. Hyrum stayed devoted to his brother, even so far as making the ultimate sacrifice of standing by him in the face of death. When it would have been easier to walk away, and spare his own life, Hyrum considered his relationship to his brother, and his family of more value than his own life. This book is a beautiful demonstration of all of these things, in the life of Hyrum Smith.

The author has beautifully told the story of Hyrum, independent of his much more famous brother. And in so doing, he has given us an interesting perspective into not only the life of Hyrum, but his brother as well. Hyrum had a unique perspective on the Prophet Joseph, one that only he could have. Mr. O'Driscoll has presented that perspective, without loosing sight of who he was writing about. In this book Hyrum comes to life better than in any other place I have ever read about him. I would love to recommend this book to anyone that is looking for someone that demonstrates the importance of integrity, and high moral values -- things that are frequently overlooked, or even looked down upon in our modern world.

Elder Statesman by: D. Michael Quinn

This is a book that I had mixed responses to. The first things that I found frustrating is that the author told the history in two different parts. The first four chapters deal with the actual life of J. Reuben Clark, and his service in the Church, as well as to his Country. The remaining chapters of the book deal with his beliefs, ideals, and teachings. While this format, of itself is not really problematic to the history, and it does not break up the continuity -- it does present the problem of redundancy in some topics. These redundancies become monotonous by the end of the book. However, what I did like about this book is the very real light that Elder Clark is presented in.

Frequently in religious histories, there is a tendency to present all of the good in people, and gloss over the bad -- or what I like to refer to as the human, of their characters. The author does not succumb to this tendency in this history. It is fairly presented, but it is also real in the portrayal of Elder Clark. Many of the teachings that were presented I found interesting, and enlightening. One of the topics that is dealt with in great detail in this book is Elder Clark's opinion of war. I found this particularly interesting at this juncture in our National history, and I couldn't help wondering what would Elder Clark think, if he were alive today? Throughout his life, he seems to have changed dramatically in his opinions about war -- and like many people, he had a divided nature towards this subject. I think it is normal for people to be opposed to war. Killing is not something that most humans find easy -- either in physical action, or idealism. This division within, is clearly presented in this book. But there is also a teaching that he presented that was taught by President Brigham Young that I found of particular interest -- one that I found especially pertinent to our world today. "When misuse of power has reached a certain stage, the divinity that is within the people asserts its right and they free themselves from the power of despotism." This is a teaching that he referred to as the Divine Right of Revolution. When I first read through this portion, I quickly dismissed it out of hand. This I considered radical thinking, from a man that lead a hunted, and persecuted people, which had to leave their own country to find any semblance of respect for their "inalienable rights." But then I remembered that this is a doctrine that is inherent in the very foundation of our own American ideology. In our own bid for freedom from oppression we boldly declared that "whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter of to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." (Declaration of Independence) This is a concept that I believe has frequently been forgotten, particularly in our world today -- and perhaps it is a belief that we, as a people need to return to.

This is also a book that presents and interesting portrait of the LDS church as it transitioned from a small group of hunted people, fleeing from the tyrannies of a despotic Nation, which its own government failed to protect them from -- into a church of international influence, and presence. This transition, while often rocky, is no less interesting, than its humble beginnings, and no less inspiring than the man that helped re-found it in this generation. I would consider this book worth the read, and it provides an interesting counterpoint to some of the most fascinating times of history.

The Autobiograph of Parley P. Pratt by: Parley P. Pratt

I have found a new hero from LDS history!! From the moment I started reading this book, I couldn't put it down, and I went through the first 150 pages in one sitting. What an incredible man. I fell in love on page 4 with his statement "But I always loved a book. If I worked hard, a book was in my hand in the morning while others were sitting down to breakfast; the same at noon; if I had a few moments, a book! A BOOK! A book at evening, while others slept or sported; a book on Sundays; a book at every leisure moment of my life." My ability to identify with Elder Pratt only continued from this point.

This is one of the most amazing missionaries I have ever read about. From beginning to end, I sat in awe of his amazing ability to teach the gospel. Even in the course of writing his own autobiography, Elder Pratt taught the gospel. He frequently talks about the healing of the sick, and the trials, and tribulations he went through -- but they all seem to pail in comparison to his love of teaching the gospel. There is something about this passion that even comes through in his writing, which left me as a reader wishing I could sit and listen to him teach in person. He reminds readers early in the course of his story of the charge given to him by Oliver Cowdery, when he was sent out on one of his early missions, as an Apostle of the Church that "the mind naturally claims something new; but the same thing rehearsed frequently profits us." Elder Pratt demonstrates this principle in all of his teachings. He never treats the simplest principles of the gospel as something burdensome that people have heard over and over. But rather, every element of the gospel to him was beautiful, and important and necessary for the understanding of all men. His writing is personable, and he even addresses the reader frequently throughout the book, as if he were sitting in the same room having a conversation with you. It is this personal approach to the story that kept me as a reader involved, and wanting to read more. It is also insightful that one of the greatest looks into the character of the Prophet Joseph Smith comes from Elder Pratt. Elder Pratt doesn't spend a lot of time talking about the Prophet, and his relationship to him, in this book. But I find it very interesting that of all the challenges that Elder Pratt shared with the Prophet, one of the few that he shares is when he was incarcerated in Missouri with Joseph. And instead of talking about the injustices, and the horrors that they were experiencing -- he instead leaves us with such a forceful snapshot of the prophet, that this description of him survives even today. "I have seen the ministers of justice, clothed in magisterial robes, and criminals arraigned before them, while life was suspended on a breath, in the Courts of England; I have witnessed a Congress in solemn session to give laws to nations; I have tried to conceive of kings, of royal courts, of thrones and crowns; and of emperors assembled to decide the fate of kingdoms; but dignity and majesty have I seen but once, as it stood in chains, at midnight, in a dungeon in an obscure village of Missouri."

I am so grateful that I have read, and can recommend this book. And for anyone that has a love and passion for the truth -- particularly those that are seeking to share the teachings of God, this is a book that you shouldn't miss! It is a man that I hope to one day be able to sit down and talk with, and learn, and be taught through his unique understanding of the things of the Spirit.

The Price We Paid by: Andrew D. Olsen

This is a book that I first chose, mainly because I like the subject material. I have always been fascinated with the story of the Willey, and Martin Handcart Companies. And this interest is not based simple on the tragic nature of the story. But it does provide some of the most amazing features of an excellent fictional story, with all the benefits of it being true. Drama, faith, courage, endurance, and overcoming hardship are the defining pillars of this history, and this book does each, and every one of them justice. Drawing from as many sources as are available on the subject, both modern, and contemporary -- the author has the ability to put the reader right in the middle of the companies, and allow you to share in the entire saga, beginning to end. A word of caution, however. This book has been broken into two parts -- effectively presenting the stories of the Willey Company, and the Martin Company independent of each other. This makes for a hard read -- both emotionally, and mentally. To have to go through the hardships once, with the Willey Company, only to have to start over with the Martin Company demands a lot, both emotionally, and spiritually from the reader.

Aside from that one complaint -- this book is very well done. The story is presented from many of the perspectives, of several different families, and individuals, in each of the companies. None of the faith, or courage has been lost in the presentation of this book, and I would recommend this reading for anyone that is interested in either pioneer, or LDS history. It presents it in as close to an unbiased presentation as is possible -- presenting all the strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures of all of these incredible people. I enjoyed this book, and feel it is one of the better presentations of this era of history that I have read.

Murder of the Mormon Prophet by: LeGrand L. Baker

Many people who know me, know that I am very finicky about the books on LDS history that I read. I am usually very cautious about expressing my reasons for this, because people frequently misunderstand that my issue is often with the method, or quality of the writing -- and not with the Church itself. I get frustrated with people that feel they need to apologize for our history -- or make up excuses for the actions of our ancestors. Either that or they paint the early times of the Church as everything was rosy, and turned out alright -- even if there were horrors that they had to go through. And besides look what great people we are now, because of those atrocities.

I love to read about LDS history, when I can read just that -- the history, and the stories without the justification, explanation, or excuses of the author to cloud the issue. I love my heritage, but I am not naive enough to believe that the early Saints were perfect. Nor do I believe that I would do any where near as good as they did, in enduring all that they were called on to endure. But I can appreciate the history -- and I prefer to read it, in the context it was written in -- not with the blanket of our current day morality covering the events of the past.

This book is one of the best books I have read on LDS history. Not only does it explore the political environment of the early Church, it also allows the story of the Church to be told, on the canvas of that environment. It is a long book, but it explores in depth not only the actions of the Saints, and the early Church leaders, but it also looks closely at the publications of the time; the personal histories that have survived from the era, Mormon's, anti-Mormon's, Anti-Mormon's, observers and apostates. This is also one of the more interesting looks into Joseph Smith's bid for the office of the the President of the United States, and presents many of his beliefs and ideas on the subject of our government. Considered a man of wisdom and profound understanding in the political arena, Joseph Smith was also viewed as somewhat of a radical in the question of State's rights vs. Federal Government rights. No one can read this book and consider Joseph Smith, like his contemporaries, a true patriot, and a devoted States man of the American cause.

This is also an in depth look into the myriad causes that would ultimately lead the Prophet, and his brother to their deaths, in June of 1844. Combining all of the intrigue, and knowledge of the time, one comes away from this book with a true appreciation for all of the forces that combined against Joseph Smith in his work, and the extent he and his brother went to, to buy the Saints the time they needed, to get to safety. This is a book that is well worth the time investment to read. It has a great deal to offer, in the are of Church history, and it is a great addition to the knowledge of the LDS people, and what made them the people, and the Church they are today.

The Wednesday Letters by: Jason P. Wright

This is not a book that I would normally have picked up and read on my own. If it were not for our reading group, I would have passed this book by -- and in fact I did, more than once. However, I was pleasantly surprised at the story this little book had to tell.

When a family is confronted by the loss of both of their parents, at the same time -- many of the unresolved issued of the family's past are suddenly pushed into the fore-front, as all of the children return home for their parents funeral. It is only discovered, when the children begin sorting through their parents belongings, that their father had written a letter to their mother, ever Wednesday of their married life.

As the children begin to sort through, and read these letters, they discover many things about their parents they had never known, and even a family secret that threatens to tear the children even farther apart. And yet -- they find that the letters are more of a source of healing, than the resurrection of more pain, as they begin to see their parents in a new light. They come to appreciate the miraculous relationship that their parents had, not only with each other, but in relation to their children as well.

This is a great book about the power of forgiveness -- and the healing that forgiveness brings into the lives of everyone it is extended too. It is also the story of how difficult it is to learn to forgive, but the solace and comfort true forgiveness can bring, once that lesson is learned.
This is a book that I don't regret reading. And while it is still not normally the type of book I would choose to sit down and read -- it is a well presented story, with characters that are easy to identify with. The time is certainly not waisted in reading this book.

The Long Walk by: Slavimor Rawicz

This is a short, but fascinating book about a group of Soviet convicts that manage to escape out of a Russian Gulag, and walk across Siberia, during the time of Communist Russia. And yet even that short, synoptic overview could never do this book justice. Packed into this little book is an amazing story of the will to survive, and to seek out and obtain freedom, beliefs, and ideals that are clearly, and very eloquently expressed.

The author, Slavomir Rawicz, was a Polish national that lived close to the Russian boarder, and served in the Polish army. Ultimately he ended up being arrested by the Russian State Police, and taken to a Russian prison, where his ordeal began. Finally landing in the infamous Lubyanka prison, Mr. Rawicz became the victim of extreme Russian "interrogation" before finally being given a farce of a trial, and sentenced to 25 years hard labor in a Russian Gulag labor camp.

This book provides an interesting look into not only the horrors of the Russian "prison system." But it also gives us an interesting look into life in the Russian, Siberian peninsula, and a myriad of other cultures, as he, and six of his friends escaped -- and trekked their way to freedom.
Their ability to survive, and their commitment not only to each other, but to their desire to escape being victims of a corrupt Soviet Regime are inspirational -- and provide a tribute to these amazing men, and the great example they can set for others who truly love freedom, and hate the oppression that comes with over powerful governments that seek to control, and ultimately destroy the lives of its citizenry. I can't begin to recommend this book enough. It is an inspirational story that I am grateful to have read, and grateful to Mr. Rawicz for having had the courage to share it with others.

The Pianist by: Wladyslaw Szpilman

This book is not what I expected it to be. Probably because I have had so many people tell me how great the movie was -- but they had never read the book. As is true to form, I haven't seen the movie, so I was going in with different expectations, based on what other people had told me about the movie.

This book provides a great look into Warsaw, during one of its most troubling eras of history. The book not only presents the amazing survival story of a great, and talented pianist, but it also gives us a very intimate look into Warsaw during its destruction -- following the invasion, and its eventual surrender to Nazi, Germany.

I must say I was expecting there to be more of an interaction between the Nazi officer, Wilm Hosenfeld, and the pianist -- a refugee Jew, Wladyslaw Szpilman, struggling to survive in hiding. But that isn't the only story this book has to tell. It is a great look into the many people that made it possible fore Mr. Szpilman to survive, in an impossible situation. In addition, Mr. Szpilman gives us a very real look at what life was like behind the walls of the Warsaw, Ghetto. As well as the trauma that living in the Ghetto created with the many selections, the unexpected abuse, and ultimately the liquidation of the Jewish Ghetto.

But more than that, we are also able to mourn with Mr. Szpilman through the loss of his family, and experience through his eyes the difficulty of having to adapt to finding himself suddenly, and violently severed from all that he held dear. One of the most touching parts of this book is the care that Mr. Szpilman takes in trying to save the only valuables left to him, following his sudden move into hiding -- his watch, his fountain pen, and his compositions. This more than anything else in the book was touching to me on a very personal level. Particularly when he tells us of what extremes he would have to go to before even contemplating parting with these items.

This is a great book, and my only regret is that I didn't have the ability to hear Mr. Szpilman play, in addition to this touching, and intimate look into an amazing, and incredible life.

Child 44 by: Tom Rob Smith

This is a book that I have started two or three times, and I have always gotten up to various points in the book, and then got frustrated with it, or side-tracked by something else, or I have just plain lost interest. So this weekend, I finally decided it was time to complete this book. It actually turned out to be a thoroughly enjoyable story. Set in Communist Russia, based in a society that by definition should not have any crime -- because the only crime, or any crime that could ever be committed is that committed against the State. The setting itself provides an excellent backdrop for the intensity of the story -- and only adds to the suspense. It takes a unique investigator, in this case Leo, to be able to see the significance of a serial killer within a society, and culture that would deny the killer's very existence.

The characters are well developed, and it is very easy to become engrossed in their lives -- and the story they present. I have really enjoyed how the author has created the difficulties that the State, and the form of government placed on those investigating these horrific crimes. This provides all the suspense of the extremely oppressive Communist regime, combined with the intensity of an investigation into a very prolific serial killer. It is a frightening look into what can happen, when a government will deny the existence of crime, and the atrocities that can occur within that society -- not just the horrors of learning to stop a serial killer, but it also explores the excesses that a government can create within that society, and how those excesses can ultimately lead to the downfall of that governmental body. In the face of so much control -- the ability to control becomes less, and less -- until ultimately, the State has no ability to control the citizens at all. This is a book that presents a great mystery, and the twists of the plot are well thought out, and developed in a manner that keeps the reader guessing through to the end of the story. I would love to recommend this book -- especially for those that love mysteries that are outside the traditional murder mystery construct.

The Lost King of France by: Deborah Cadbury

This is an incredible book that I just couldn't put down. It was full of suspense, intrigue, plot twists, and drama. And yes, it is a history book! I have only ever had a superficial understanding of the French Revolution, and the events surrounding the royal family of King Louis XVI. But this book is both informative and heart-breaking!

Not only did this book present an easy to understand portrayal of the Revolution, the key players, and the events that led up to, and caused the Revolution, but it also presented the intensely personal perspective of King Louis, and Marie-Antoinette, and their three children. Presented in narrative form, with only dates as references 0f time. This book is really an enjoyable read.

This book also changed my perception forever about the French Revolution. Even the concept of the word revolution, here in the United States carries ideals of honor, freedom from oppression and tyranny, and a concept of standing for the integrity of the individual. And while many of the ideologies of that led to the French Revolution were the same -- my heart will always break for the 7 year old little boy that would bear the brunt of the in humanness that comes with war, and inter-class struggles.

Louis XVII, 7 years old at the time of the beginning of the French Revolution, would ultimately become the center of controversy, and mystery -- until the rumors about his possible survival would ultimately be answered by 20th century DNA. But his story of solitude, abuse, and the mental and physical trauma he would have to endure as a child should forever stand as a standard for the need for greater protection of children everywhere!

I can never imagine the horrors this poor boy had to endure, at an age when he was not even able to understand why. Thrust into a world of violence, and deliberate brutality, the name of Louis Capet -- Louis XVII should never be forgotten. This is a book that I would strongly recommend to everyone. There is so much to be learned about this young child's tragic life -- and the effects that trauma can have on children.

Abide With Me by: Elizabeth Strout

This was a book that offered a good story, which could have been so much better. The story of a minister, left alone with his two daughters, following the death of his wife -- he now finds himself overwhelmed with the responsibilities of taking care of his needs, the grieving process for both himself, and his children, and the needs of his parishioners. The writing in this book is well done, but I felt the story was rushed.

There were several topics that were introduced, particularly how his wife played into the story, but it left me with questions of why was the information put in the story. I felt that the story had more to tell, and it wasn't fully developed. The characters themselves were well developed, and I found this a fun, and generally clean read -- but it didn't demand a lot of thought.

Overall the story frustrated me because I came away feeling that the entire story had not been completed.

The Plot Against America by: Philip Roth

This is a book that I have mixed feelings about. There were two main problems I had with the book. First it is somewhat predictable -- although interesting as an alternate history line type story. Second, the author has a tendency to digress into the minutia of the lives, and trivialities of the characters -- which makes it difficult to follow the story line at times. However, this is also an interesting look into the possible.

I have always wondered if something like an extreme dictatorship could ever happen here. Many people frequently look at me a little weird when I say that. But history is full of examples of decayed republics that have been overcome by a rising party that has a great deal of influence, with the middle class peoples. Rome, Germany, Greece. This is not an impossibility, and this book presents the possibility that does, in fact exist -- even here.

From this stand point, I enjoyed this book. It is a critical look at a government that we like to believe it infallible -- but is in reality walking a fine edge between freedom, and oppression. This book presents the what if's of history -- and points out that this type of thing, can in fact happen here. When the people abdicate their rights, and become complacent. Something goes wrong, and suddenly they are so unhappy about their circumstances that they are willing to turn to anything, or anyone that will offer them relief. This is a Faustian deal, which will ultimately bring them more oppression than they can ever imagine. But on the surface, it looks so good at the time, and the extremes offer so much. But I have always felt that the price is too high! I would rather experience a little suffering now, and exercise a little more self control, than sell out everything I have to a devil that cannot be controlled.

Blood Done Sign My Name by: Timothy B. Tyson

This is a book that I found quite disturbing. The story of one of the more graphic demonstrations of the failing of our American Justice system, this book is both horrifying, and fascinating at the same time. It presents the story of the murder of a young, black man, in his early 20's, the racial war that it started, and the town of Oxford, North Carolina -- a town that nearly self destructed in the aftermath.

This is a fantastic book, as an introduction to the Civil Rights movement in this country -- telling the story on both the national stage, and the personal lives simultaneously -- it offers an in depth look into the overall scope of the race wars that ensued in this country, and continue to rage in many places. Presented in a shifting format between the black perspective, and the white perspective -- the author has been able to present a story without one point of view overwhelming the other.
In 1970, Henry Marrow -- a quiet, unassuming family man had a fatal run in with a violent racist, and his sons. The result of this confrontation was a brutal murder in the middle of the street -- in the middle of the day. This act sparked a passionate struggle, that produced violence, and rabid hatred between the black, and the white societies of Oxford, North Carolina. Standing in the middle of this struggle was one minister, Reverend Tyson, and Ben Chavis, Henry's closest friend -- and the story that would play out in the national news, throughout the country. This became the catalyst of a lifelong pursuit for justice, on the part of Ben Chavis -- a man that ultimately rose to become the President of the NAACP.

This book is one that I found particularly disturbing. I have never understood the need to see the world through the eyes of color -- and it is troubling the number of people that feel any person's values can be determined by nothing more than the color of his skin. Further, I am troubled at the example this sets, that justice is not only capable of setting precedent based on color, but it is also politically, and racially driven. In the words of the author, "The actual history of the South too often rests in an unmarked grave, while the celebratory lies and politically convenient distortions march into immortality." I fear that this statement is more true than we will ever know -- and furthermore, I also fear that it is not a truth that is confined merely to the South.

This is a part of history that I have only just begun to study -- mainly because I find it so disturbing to me personal. Having grown up in a predominantly white community, and having come from an average white middle class home -- I would like to hope that this is violence that we, as a society have put behind us. But I know that the struggle for racial equality rages on -- and I find it heartbreaking that so many people are not able to see beyond something as minor as a color difference, to discover the true value of every human being within.

A Nation in Torment by: Edward Robb Ellis

Recently I was having a conversation with my mother, regarding the financial problems that we are facing, in this country. She asked me a question that I couldn't really answer. It was in response to many of the things that she has heard on talk radio -- particularly about how the Republicans, and the Democrats can interpret history so differently. I knew what she was talking about, as I had heard many of the same radio shows. The latest debates on if FDR actually helped get us out of the Depression, or if he hindered our recovery, and prolonged the Depression. As my mother put it -- history is what it is. You can't bend and shape it to your own needs and devices.
Well, to a certain extent she is correct. Even though history his usually written by the victors -- the surviving records still speak for themselves. Which brings me to the book I have just finished reading. A Nation In Torment is one of the more disturbing books I have read in a long time. Written in 1970, the author primarily used his diary of the times, as well as first hand sources to assemble an amazingly in depth picture into the causes, and effects of the Depression. Reading this book was like reading a prognostication of what is to come. It carries eerie similarities to the world we now live in, and I found myself grateful that my Grandmother didn't live to see this repeat performance of capitalism, in one of its less than stellar moments. As aptly put by the author, "What caused the Crash? Greedy people wanted more than they needed. Foolish people thought they could get something for nothing. Impulsive people bought now in the hope of paying later. Income and wealth were distributed unfairly and dangerously. The rich regarded themselves as an all-knowing elite. The masses were not paid enough money to consume all the goods they produced. The economy was unsound. The corporate structure was sick. The banking system was weak. Foreign trade was out of balance. Business data were inadequate and often faulty."

This book is an interesting look into not only the causes of the Great Depression of 1929 to 1939. It is also an interesting look into many of the problems that were not corrected the previous time around, and these same problems have led to a repeat of the past. I am a firm believer in the theory that if you don't know history, you are destined to repeat it. This book is a clear look into this theory. Fascinating to read, it is one of the most informative books on the Great Depression era that I have ever come across. Written in clear, easy to understand language, it presents the story beginning to end, of a very troubling time, which is once again playing out in the history of our country.

This is a book that we as a people should read if for no other reason than to understand the risks we run, when we fail to know what is going on in the world around us. I would recommend this book, not only for those that are students of history -- but also for those that are looking for answers to the same questions that are being asked today, that were asked once before -- in 1929.

Oskar Shindler by: David M. Crowe

This book is a fascinating look into one of the more well known civilian names of World War II. The background on the actual origins of Schindler's celebrated list, and particularly the difference between the historical fiction account, and the true events. There are also some very unexpected elements of the story that have never been told, which should have, found in this book.
But this book has so much more to offer than just the story of The List, and the lives that Oskar Schindler saved. This is an in depth look into the saga of Poland during the World War II conflict -- a story that, in its own right, should be understood in depth. Many of the Polish people were in as much danger as the Jewish people living in the country, at that time. In the Nazi perception, the Polish people were only considered one step above those of the Jewish people. And much of the price that their country paid, during this conflict, reflected this prejudice. It also presents the great extent that many of the Polish people went, to save their country, and support those, like Schindler, who were trying to assist in the saving of lives.

This is also an in depth look into a man. One who reflected many of the foibles of humanity. His self interest, his drinking, and womanizing, as well as his greed, and desire to satisfy all of his wants. And then it explores his transition from who he was -- to who he became. Ultimately named, by the Yad Vashem, as one of the Righteous among Nations, or Righteous among Gentiles, Schindler is a man that is an inspirational story. He is a great example of what men have the capacity to become, no matter what their origins, or the weaknesses that beset them. He is also an amazing example of how men have the ability to overcome their weakness -- and become inspirational, moral characters, in spite of their history, and the degradation of the world that surrounds them.
After reading this book, I have come to realize that the story told in Schindler's List is only a scratching of the surface of the man, as seen within the context of the time that he lived, and the task that he undertook. Standing between bigotry and hate, and hope and salvation, Oskar Schindler is a name that should never be forgotten, as an example of what one individual is truly capable of, no matter the situation. I can't recommend this book enough -- as an account that should never be forgotten, and never be overlooked.

Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

This has been a fun trip down memory lane, in book form. I remember seeing the movie, when it first came out. My parents had rented it in a Beta video tape. I remember the suspense, and the enjoyment of a well told story, with fun characters. I am please to say, that the book this time around was not a disappointment.

There are so many themes in this book, that at times it feels as if the author is uncertain of which theme he was wanting to develop -- so he threw them all in. Kind of like a green salad. But by the end of the book, all of those pieces had been brought together in a beautiful symmetry -- that clearly demonstrates why Ray Bradbury is a master author.

The characters are more than believable, they are real. Not just their likes, and dislikes, but their fears, joys, and even their idiosyncrasies are all apparent through their development. The story line is a trip down memory lane, as every reader will remember why they never want to grow old, and why every child is in such a rush to grow up.

Sala's Gift by: Ann Kirschner

I have recently been told that I am obsessed with the Holocaust. This may, or may not be true. But I do know this -- some of the most incredible stories are to be found within the era's of great turmoil, and upheaval. When evil is given free reign in this life, the greatest moments of heroism, hope, and faith can then be found. This has always been my perception of the Holocaust. It isn't the atrocity that I find so fascinating, but the hope I find for the human race, in the stories of the survivors, the heroes, and the people that most of society class as the victims.
One story that so beautifully portrays this message is in the book I just finished reading. Sala's Gift is the story of a young girl, who volunteers to go to the work camp, in Poland, in the place of her sister. This is an unusual Holocaust story, in that Sala spent no time in the death camps, of the Nazi war machine. She spent all of her time in the work projects, mostly that worked on the German Autobahn. Her unique personality, and independence gave her the tools that were necessary to survive. And when her own strengths failed her, she would fall back on the letters that she received from her friends, and family, during the time she was interred.

There are certainly some heartbreaking moments found in this book, as letters from people she knew, and loved became fewer, and fewer, until they finally ceased to come all together. It wasn't until the end of the war that Sala finally realized the magnitude of what those ominous silences meant -- and the true extent of her losses became a reality.
But this is also a unique story of the love, and the strength of relationships and between family members, and friends -- and what a critical role those relationships played, in the survival of those who managed to get through. The beauty of this story cannot be overshadowed by the horrors that were going on around Sala, in one of the darkest chapters of human history. And through the letters she went to great lengths to preserve, the voices of Sala, and those closest to her will never be silenced. They will outlive the horrible plan that the Nazi's devised for them. Their lives will forever carry on in the memories of those that read their heritage -- while the fates of the Nazi's fade into the minutia of history.

This is a book that I can't recommend enough. So much strength and goodness have survived through this story. It is an amazing book to read, and one that I would love to share with everyone.